Thursday, August 22, 2013

Abandoned Angel by Kayden Lee

Abandoned Angel
Abandoned Angel


BEATEN, BLOODIED, AND BRUISED, and things are about to get worse.

Angelina has spent most of her life at the hands of abusive men, her husband is no exception. The only good thing to come out of the marriage is the one thing that Angelina loves most in the world; her son, Justin. After being brutally beat and drugged by her husband, Angelina awakens to a nightmare of his doing. Justin is gone, taken by the man she fears most, and Angelina is stuck in the middle of nowhere, forced to face a gang of bikers on her own. As terrified as Angelina is of the group surrounding her, she is more afraid of never seeing her son again. It is this fear of losing her child for good that motivates the young woman to survive the hell she has been thrown into. Angelina will discover though, that motivation alone is not enough to survive the ride of her life.

Abandoned Angel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
As a mother I was shocked then stunned with the opening of this completely engrossing story. What mother in her right mind after being beaten and her son kidnapped walks into a bar and orders a beer? After reading more I discovered the answer to my own question. She is the kind of mother who after years of abuse feels that’s what she needs at the moment. She needs the beer to work up the courage to fight for her own self and do whatever is necessary to save her son.

Lee dares to expose the not so glamorous side of biker gangs as Angel find herself trading everything she has left within her at the off chance of finding her son. In a world where a woman can be used for the gangs’ pleasure or pain something transpires between Blaze and Angel as he claims her for himself. You are from page one caught up in Angel’s world of abuse and soul wrenching heart breaking journey she endures.

The characters Lee brings to life are none like I have ever read before. Angela was a mess. After having survived several years of abuse herself, once her son was taken; she took action. She did everything she could and more to rescue her son from her fate.

The sisterly relationship that grows Tiffany and Angels, I feel gives her what she need to push through and never give up hope. I just can’t bring myself to feel anything but distain for the members of biker gang. Blaze in the end did shock me but it was not enough to redeem himself.

My only real issue with the book was the astronomical errors throughout. It had me going back to read parts over again for clarification. It was very distracting from the story. Having said that, I actually look forward for the story to continue and will defiantly look for more from this author. Who I expect in the future will use a different proofreader.
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