Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mercy THompson: Homecoming by Patricia Briggs

Mercy Thompson:  Homecoming

Goodreads Synopsis:  HERE HERE
Barnes & Noble: Here
Recommendation: Adult Readers of Paranormal Graphic Novella's & Lovers of the Mercy Thompson Series

Our Rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story is good and informs readers how Mercy and Stefan became friends. As well as how the tantalizing not so much a relationship ignites a flare when Adam thrusts his way in to Mercy life. We also discover the reason the cat like wolves and why the cat will never be eaten by Adam no matter how grumpy he may seem.
This was my first graphic novel experience and I was somewhat disappointed. In this prequel to The Mercy Thompson Series, it introduces us to the tri-city area Mercy calls home. The story line is good, however it holds several major inconstancy/ inaccuracies are apparent throughout the novel but don’t let that distract you. It is an enjoyable read if you are a fan of the Mercy Thompson Universe! However, I feel I must warn readers, especially the females. Mercy strong heroin character goes from being a Native American/ white coyote with back bone to an always naked brunette with big tits a little brain.
I enjoyed a peek into tantalizing not so much a relationship ignites a flare when Adam thrusts his way in to Mercy life. However, again ~this differs from what Patricia Briggs has written in her series. We also discover a new reason the cat likes wolves and why the cat will never be eaten by Adam no matter how grumpy he may seem. In addition, readers learn a different scenario as to how Ted, Stefan and Zee fit in Mercy’s life. Again, that differs from the original story line.
In conclusion, in the back of this hardback graphic novel, readers will find and enjoy an art gallery and an interview of the author, Patricia Briggs, by David Lawrence.

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