Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yes I have commandeered my mom's blog, with her help, of course!

Not sure if I'm even talking to anyone but I know the saying...
build it and they will come!!

I don't have all the details as of yet, but one surprising email from a woman who has my our name was a big clue. Short of the long story is...

**pause for dramatic effect**
I used both mine and mom's name. That is where I had the problem. This woman with the same name that I would say she is as old as my mom complained saying that "I was impersonating her."
Apparently she thinks she is my mom's 12-year-old-daughter and not a grown woman and more than likely has kids of her own. Google policy says you can't pretend to be someone you are not, so that is one reason they closed down my blog.
My understanding is, I was a kid... pretending to be another grown woman... pretending to be a kid. And get this... apparently a 12-year-old who can read and review books was "defamation of her character". She must not be very smart... however, smart enough to add to my growing list of reason to be deleted.
I was also had way too many adds that directed traffic to another site. I'm going to assume it was all the Amazon widgets. I discovered and loved them.
It sucks but I lost all my giveaways but I'm going to do what I can to get them again. My mom might have to help out with that one and I will re post then just as soon as I get them up and going. Help keep an eye out if you notice me posting too many book links give me a heads up.  Definitely if you see me do something illegal let me know ASAP so I can fix it! I need some rest.  Just because I'm sick and can't go to school in the morning is no reason to be up all night!


  1. So if you have the same name as someone else you are pretending to be them! Gosh - how many other Sarah Elizabeth's are out there?!


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